
Biocreative Hybrid Aligner (CH-Aligner) System in the Contemporary TSADs Orthodontics
Seong-Hun Kim

Lecture Description
Compared to the traditional orthodontic treatment method using brackets, the therapeutic approach of Aligner has different meanings and methods. The biomechanical principle is different from the existing treatment method using brackets and wires because Aligner covers both teeth and gingiva and treatment results depend on patient compliance. Recently Aligner treatment is considered as an alternative for non-contact treatment tool in this COVID-19 pandemic era. By utilizing TSADs (Temporary Skeletal Anchorage Devices), the indications for both extraction and non-extraction cases can be expanded by improving the treatment limitations of the existing aligner. Biocreative Orthodontic Strategy (BOS) Ten Key Principles: TAKE ACTION can readily have applied to aligner Orthodontics with the name of "CH-Aligner" approach. After treatment planning, use digital set up data and determine when to use aligner. Setting post-treatment simulation as a base, and until necessary, we can process set up for aligner and bracket jig system at the same time. In other words, it is a system in which the aligner is selectively determined and used partially or entirely according to the target ranking. When initial alignment is necessary to resolve premature contact, major movement can be obtained using customized appliance with TSADs after initial target movement through aligner. Alternatively, aligner finishing can be done after retraction first or target teeth movement with TSADs and fixed appliance. Depending on patients, a combination approach of Aligner + TSAD and Fixed appliance+ TSADs can be selected for each arch. Through this presentation, I would like to propose CH-aligner as an excellent treatment modality that can be applied as a hybrid type when patient follow up is compromised as telemedicine.
Learning objective
  1. Biocreative Orthodontic Strategy (BOS) with TAKE ACTION Principles and five Essential Biocreative Checklist for CH-Aligner system (Diagnosis, Target Decision, Treatment Tool Selection, Target Tooth/Bone/Soft tissue movement, finishing and Detailing)
  2. Digital flow of CH-Aligner with simple and effective TSADs application