Cutting Edge in Current Orthodontics

Is There a Correct Position of a Bracket?
Tae Kyung Kim

I would like to start by asking you a question 'Is there a correct position of a bracket?' Many of you would agree that the required core abilities upon an orthodontist are diagnostic capability and the ability to bond brackets to their correct position. Actually, most of the routine problems in daily orthodontic practice are closely related to the incorrect positioning of a bracket. It is not common that a case could be finished without the bracket repositioning and/or wire bending. There have been lots of tries to reduce or remove these tedious processes-bracket repositioning and wire bending.
Attempts to accurately move the teeth to their planned position with minimal effort have been started with SWA, leading to indirect bonding, and now to custom brackets that are precisely tailored to individual patients. However, it is said that even if a highly precise custom-made bracket is bonded to the correct position, it cannot be possible to complete a case without repositioning of a bracket and wire bending. If so, now it is proper to look back at what has been wrong.
In the presentation, I will try to answer the question 'Is there a correct position of a bracket?' And, I am confident that the answer will provide you a whole new clinical guideline.