Effective Treatment Planning Using the CBCT Integrated ClinCheck of the
Invisalign System
Lecture Description
In the fast-evolving field of orthodontics, our clinical process has embraced full digitalization through the integration of intraoral scanners and digital setup programs. This technological advancement helps us create treatment plans that accurately match the dentist's goals. The greatest advantage of clear aligner systems lies in their ability to create precise treatment plans tailored to each patient, considering biomechanics for optimal results. This is especially useful for difficult cases that require significant tooth movement, as clear aligner systems can achieve high-quality outcomes with minimal effort.
This presentation focuses on the strategic setup of treatment plans using the CBCT integrated ClinCheck system. Digital planning allows for meticulous control of individual teeth, accommodating three-dimensional movement patterns and biological limitations. Unlike preadjusted brackets, which come with predefined prescriptions, clear aligner systems require a unique, patient-specific approach. By utilizing a model that replicates both crowns and roots, we can adjust tooth positions within the patient's biological limits.
We will discuss how to set up treatment plans in digital setup software to achieve predictable and effective results. Following a well-made digital plan and wearing the aligners correctly can lead to successful treatments for various types of malocclusions. This presentation aims to provide insights into maximizing the benefits of the CBCT integrated ClinCheck system for precise and efficient orthodontic treatment.