2024 KAO

Special Session III: Orthodontics for Sleep Disorder

Sleep Apnea and the Orthodontist
Juan Martin Palomo
Lecture Description
Traditionally we are trained to see and analyze the airway from only the lateral view on a cephalometric film. However, the airway is a three-dimensional (3D) structure, and that third dimension may be hiding something relevant to our diagnosis. With more than 80 respiratory disorders, the orthodontist can play a big role in helping children and adults, especially regarding Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This presentation will show how the orthodontist can help identify and manage OSA in pediatric and adult patients, the difference between treatment and management, the potential effects of orthodontic treatment, and possible solutions. As healthcare providers, there is a lot more that we can do for our patients, but this does not mean that it needs to interfere with the efficiency and the practice flow already in place.