2024 KAO

Clinical oral presentation II

How to Upright Mandibular Molars with Different Inclinations Using No Intermaxillary Elastics Approach?
Seong-Hun Kim
Lecture Description
Predictable control of the vertical dimension during orthodontic treatment is closely linked to long-term post-treatment stability. Successful strategy might include correcting the mesial angulation of mandibular posteriors, without extruding them, but many tactics showed the target molars’ extrusion during the uprignthing phase. The use of intermaxillary elastic bands, especially Class III elastics, is sometimes considered to be harmful for TMD patients. To prevent from unpredicted reaction during molars uprighting, we developed “Biocreative reverse curve technique, BRC technique” and it has proved to be a successful method. In the BRC technique, a C-tube miniplate fixed to the lower labial symphysis and connected with a ready-made nickel-titanium reverse-curved archwire provided effective uprighting of the lower molars, without the need of orthodontic appliances on the mandibular anteriors. Overall treatment effects of the BRC technique could be summarized as lower occlusal plane reconstruction to facilitate counterclockwise mandibular rotation direction with intrusive uprighting of mandibular molars. In this presentation, I will introduce biocreative reverse curve technique to simplify complicated tipped molars treatment only by orthodontic treatment without orthognathic surgery or complex mechanics through updated scientific research and excellent case reports. Audience members will learn specific clinical tactics and overall treatment protocols that will broaden their scope of treatment options.